封面来源P站画师魔界の住民 http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=173369


2. Partially permitted. Here is a guideline for your use of my Illustrations other than the above-mentioned category1.

 As long as you comply with the following terms…

- Personal use only. Commercial use is prohibited.- Description of artist’s name of the illustration (me, 魔界の住民) is needed.

- Excessive trimming, effects and over painting to my illustrations can’t be allowed.- Website or blogs you upload my illustrations must be wholesome, not contrary to public order or morality

.- If you set my illustrations to your SNS account, do not post any aggressive, offensive or immoral remarks.

You can copy and use my illustrations…

- as an Icon of your SNS account

,- in the cut of videos,

- in blog article to introduce illustrations.

You don’t have to report the use to me.